Buy Foodman POS Software via PayPal

If you don't want to use a credit card, we will ship the software
via FedEx COD - no extra charges for this service.

The price is either $695.00 or $1295.00 - no extra charges or shipping!
For your convenience,You can split the payment over two or more credit cards.
You will need the following information: 1. First name (as on card). 2. Last name. 3. Credit card number. 4. Card verification number (the last 3 digits from the number on the back of the card.) (American Express - four digit number on front of card above card number.) 5. Expiration date. 6. Billing address for the card. (street, city, state, zip.) 7. Telephone. 8. A valid E-Mail address. When you have this information, click on the button below: You will then be taken to the PayPal site to complete the transaction. If you have problems with the form, you can call PayPal directly at 888-221-1161. Thank you